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Wine has always shaped our lives. Sure, there are many other things capable of captivating us as well—music, great food, gathering with friends, a good book …

But a life away from the vines, without wine? Inconceivable, at least for us.

Originally hailing from Nieder-Flörsheim, the Geil family today is at home in Bermersheim, in the southern range of Rheinhessen. Our family history has long been closely tied to wine.

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The current hub of the family’s orbit is its winegrowing estate, 200 years old and located in the historical village center of Bermersheim. It is where the grapes are pressed, the wines matured, and guests received.

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Our wines are a reflection of their origin, and thus ourselves. We see respectful interaction with nature as the key ingredient to coaxing the finest pleasures from the soils—year after year.

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„Being a vintner means heeding a calling. And knowing, day after day, that each year is different and each vintage has its own entirely unique shine.“

Florian R. Geil